2015Mi Corazon
Beautiful woman: Dom la Nena - she sings of the heart. In Spanish it also means, my love, and here she creates a love song to herself. And this one is for you too:
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20152014 in blogging
"Cynthia M Chase Healing 2014 in blogging Annual Report A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,200 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 37 trips to carry that many people. There were 35 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 10 MB. That's about 3 pictures per month. The busiest day of the year was March 7th with 48 views. The most popular post that day was...
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2015Magical You: Happy New Year
This time of year - the end of one year, and the beginning of another - invites reflection. Have you held true to your (real) self? Have you slipped? Do you feel that familiar combination of guilt and shame for choices you have made that dishonor yourself? Sometimes during the holidays the image of how it "should be" and how different your own
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2014I Choose Me I'd like to share with you a powerful song by Tamia, shared with me by a beautiful young woman on her way to her powerful self. Here is the link: And here are the words: "Me" [VERSE 1] Love was the former owner But quiet
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2014Reblog from Picking Up the Pieces:
Picking Up the Pieces Releasing the Pressure: I Promise You Aren't Losing Your Mind
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2014On fire
So, he finally pushed you too far. You ignited like a bomb, blasting, explosive. You might even have gone into a blackout, so overwhelming was your rage. The years of abuse brought you to the point where you could not live another moment holding the pain, feelings of betrayal and hurt. It wasn't even a conscious choice. Afterward, like a hangover, you felt empty. Did you feel guilt? Oddly not. The gre
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2014Love and the Stockholm syndrome: Why do I still love the abuser?
This is a question generated by the last post, and it is a good question: “Is it possible to say yes to one’s self but underneath still love the abuser? Or can it just be a comfort zone for the victim? Is it at all possible for the victim to explode once with fury and rage and not allow herself to go back to that dark place?” For the purposes of this blog entry, let’s take a look a
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2014Are you in danger of becoming like your abuser?
If you stay long enough under the yoke of the abuser, you are at risk of conversion. How long can you take the manipulations, unjust attacks, torture before you turn to darkness yourself? Your goodness, hope and charitable nature can turn to rage, hatred and the desire for revenge. Do you build up this fire of anger against the injustice? Do you find your body too small to contain the fire within? Are your thoughts turning more and more...
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2014A Call Out: Dare to Live
A brief time here. I have lived in shrunken space long enough. I dare to live, for this small, dark space is no life. I dar
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2014Just what will it take?
How much is enough? Just how much abuse will be the marker when you say: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I urge you to see and feel your own pain and suffering. Can you go on in this much pain? You may say, what have I got to lose? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
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2014Response to "Excellent Post"
“Excellent post! It’s very overwhelming when your emotions are controlled by the abuser. Being with an abuser who has you so embedded with fear, you feel like you are cemented by their unpredictable behaviors. My question is how do you overcome those emotions that the abuser planted in you. I feel like a flower that is being strangled by the weeds that grow around it where it’s unable to grow and be nurture
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2014Mercy: How to break out of an abusive relationship
My heart aches for you. Here are some thoughts: Breaking out of an abusive relationship may be even harder than being in one. What you have gone through so far is unbearable. Getting out of it will even be more difficult. If you are really seeing that your relationship is abusive and toxic, if you have tried your ways and it hasn’t
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2014Reblog from Elephant, Dedicated to the Mindful Life
Puzzle Pieces: Letting Relationships End. ~ Sara Courter Via Sara Courter Nov 23, 2013 Why, I wonder, is it such a curious notion that sometimes i
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2014Re-blog: Co-parenting with the sociopath
This information is so valuable that I offer it to you here, from positivagirl: Co-parenting with the sociopath - separation!, sociopath Co-parenting with a male Sociopath – Surviving divorce and separation when children are involved!! July 6, 2013
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