Featured articles by Dr. Jessica Sedita regarding Vibrational Medicine

This is news:

Dr. Jeffrey Klass and Dr. Jessica Sedita of Madison Connecticut offer to those of us fortunate enough to live in this area a holistic, complementary healing approach that works at both killing off the microbes (whether they be Babesia, erlichiosis or the Lyme spirochete), but also focuses on clearing and cleansing the toxins that create symptoms as debilitating as the diseases themselves. (For those of you in other areas of the country, please check internet sources for the same or similar resources, or check with me.) The area of “vibrational medicine” is a “new” and exciting adjunct to the healing of the person with Lyme disease (and the coinfections). When combined with the principles of naturopathic medicine, it offers a powerhouse of tools to add to the wellness approach that is at the foreforont of the treatment of Lyme and other coinfections. Here is a newsflash from Dr. Sedita that I am sure you will find enlightening and helpful:

Dr. Jessica Sedita, ND

Just a few years ago Lyme disease was only heard about once in a while; today the situation is much different. Today the chance of contracting Lyme disease has significantly increased, putting everyone in the northeast at great risk. This condition is becoming much more common than anyone could have ever imagined. Anyone afflicted with Lyme needs to fully understand the condition and its progression. Lyme is an organism in the spirochete family that is similar to syphilis. It is transmitted through a bite by an infected deer tick. Once infected, a person will experience flu like symptoms as the immune system attempts to fight off the invader.

One could assume that they would be sick for a few days or a week while the immune system fights of the infection then leading to a full recovery. Unfortunately this is not how the events unfold at all. The Lyme spirochete is able to evade the immune system so most of the time it is not completely killed off. This allows the Lyme to roam free and proliferate in the body undetected for years. The longer it is present in the system the more time it has to set up colonies all over the body. Once it has left the blood stream and traveled to multiple areas it is said to have progressed from acute to chronic Lyme. During periods of stress, physical or emotional, the immune system becomes suppressed and the Lyme is able to further advance and colonize new areas of the body. This is why many patients will notice a flare-up in symptoms during or shortly after even small periods of stress.

The array of symptoms Lyme can produce are so numerous and constantly changing many people think they are imaging it. Lyme can imitate almost any disease that exists and should be considered as a possible diagnosis of any condition that is not resolving with treatment. Lyme can mimic various conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, bells palsy, ADD, MS, ALS, RA, migraines and any other autoimmune diseases. Lyme produces a significant amount of inflammation in numerous areas and organ systems of the body. The majority of the inflammation is due to the secretion of a neurotoxin produced by the Lyme that travels around the body which puts stress on all organ systems. The Lyme and its neurotoxin can pass through to the brain with the potential to cause encephalopathy and meningitis, which is swelling and inflammation of the brain. The exposure to the neurotoxin over time can cause liver dysfunction, fatigue, headaches, mental confusion, muscle and joint pain. These symptoms can indicate possible dysfunction in other regulatory organs such as the thyroid, hypothalamus and adrenals. All of these symptoms can come and go just a quickly as they appeared or they may persist and there could even be periods that are symptom free. Many people think the symptom free periods are when they have finished their battle with Lyme and won. But that is not correct. Often when there is a remission in symptoms it can mean the immune system is not actively fighting off the Lyme. This leaves it free to travel around the body causing inflammation, dysfunction and then ultimately hiding so the immune system can not destroy it.

Many patients are lead to believe that after being infected with Lyme all that needs to be done is take antibiotics for a few months or even a few weeks and then they will be cured. This may have been enough to treat Lyme in the past but currently for most patients this often is not effective enough to provide a full and complete recovery. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed in all stage of Lyme disease. They can bring a person from acutely ill to a stable point. There are however a few drawbacks to treatment with antibiotics alone. They are often unable to kill off the disease completely. The presence of the antibiotics stimulates a defensive mechanism causing the Lyme to become dormant and will avoid being killed. This change to the dormant state is called the cystic form of Lyme. In this form, a protective coating is formed around a group of spirochetes. This coating protects the Lyme by not allowing the antibiotics to penetrate.

They are also only able to kill the Lyme when it is in the active form in the blood stream.

In the cystic form it is able to move deeper into the body and wait until it senses the absence of the antibiotics. Once the antibiotics have left the body the Lyme will become active again and move back into the blood stream and begin multiplying again. This migration

back to the active form can cause a sudden spike or relapse of intense symptoms. While the Lyme is in the cystic form a person can be symptomatic or still extremely ill. Since antibiotics are not able to access other areas well outside of the blood stream the cysts are left to hang out all over the body producing symptoms. The specific symptoms that are experienced are often dependent on what areas in the body the cysts have traveled to.

As if Lyme alone is not enough there are a myriad of other organisms that the tick can be harboring and transmitting during the bite. These other organisms consist of Mycoplasma, Ehrlichia, Babesia and Bartonella, known as the co-infections. The co-infections are commonly present in people with Lyme disease. They can add to the array of confusing symptoms by further stressing the immune system and increasing the overall number of pathogenic organisms in the body. In a large number of cases antibiotics are not able to eradicate any of these organisms from the system completely. They are able to hide in the body, mutate and evade the antibiotics and the immune system. Having all or even just one of these co-infections in addition to the Lyme can complicate the case significantly.

Guilford Holistic Health Practitioners

5 Durham Rd Bld 2, Suite B-6
Guilford, CT 06437

(203) 453-1906

Send any questions, or topic suggestions for future issues to: drsedita@gmail.com


Rosner, Bryan. When Antibiotics Fail…Lyme Disease and Rife Machines.



Here is Dr. Sedita’s second newsletter. It is informative and actually, I find it to be most amazing and helpful in the treatment of the deepest layers of this microbes- so smart and insidious! By “zapping” the microbes, then clearing the toxins from the death of the microbes, we are enhancing our bodies own ability to heal itself. The immune system has a fighting chance to do the job it was intended to do: fight aliens! Check out her fascinating description of how this treatment(s) work:

By Dr. Jessica Sedita, ND

Lyme disease is a complicated condition to diagnose and treat correctly. Treating Lyme is so much more than just taking an antibiotic for a few weeks to rid the body of the Lyme spirochete. First, any present co-infections need to be treated as well, to have any chance of a full recovery. The co-infections are what truly complicate the situation, because each one is a distinctly different type of organism. Ehrlichia is bacterial, Bartonella is similar to cat scratch fever, Babesia is parasitic and Mycoplasma is an anaerobic bacteria. Each one of these has its own pattern and life cycle that it follows. Each organism needs a distinctly different form of treatment that is specifically designed to target that particular organisms make up. There is no one single type of medication that can be used to treat all the co- infections. Multiple medications need to be administered at various times during the course of treatment to attack all of the co-infections as well as the Lyme.

What are the treatment options for Lyme disease? There are many choices that are available to treat Lyme disease some options areantibiotics, herbal formulas, homeopathic remedies and Rife Frequency therapy. Antibiotics are usually used as the first line of defense and if prescribed at the correct point during a course of treatment they can be effective. Antibiotics are most useful if used quickly after contracting Lyme and/ or while it is still active in the blood stream. Once Lyme has changed into the cystic form and left the blood stream the antibiotics are on longer effective. Antibiotics have the highest effective concentration circulating in the blood stream and cannot leave the blood stream. If the diagnosis of Lyme disease doesn’t happen for months or years after initial infection, antibiotics may not be as useful at this stage. Another common situation is when someone is on antibiotics for months or years continuously they will often reach a plateau in recovery. They often feel they are not progressing and that the antibiotics are not working anymore. They are correct; after a certain time the Lyme becomes resistant and can evade the antibiotics. So antibiotics are useful if given at the correct stage and used for a certain time period.

In addition to antibiotics there are many herbal remedies that are effective for Lyme disease as well as for all the co-infections. Some of the herbs that are capable to of killing Lyme are Venus flytrap, Oregano, Samento, Andrographis, Polygonum and Artemisia. All of these herbs can be administered in all stages of Lyme treatment. They can be used one at a time or in conjunction with one an other.All of these herbs can be taken alone or along with antibiotics. The best way to combine the two is to start herbal remedies along with antibiotics then when antibiotics are stopped continue with the herbal supplements. This combination will often be able to prevent a relapse or aggravation in symptoms and break the cycle of having to go on and off antibiotics.

Homeopathic remedies are also useful in the battle against Lyme disease. They are used most often in the latter stages of a treatment plan when severe symptoms have subsided. Homeopathic remedies can draw the Lyme out from deep within the body and can also stimulate the immune system to seek out and attack the Lyme.

Another important treatment for Lyme is Rife Frequency therapy. Rife is a machine that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to rid the body of harmful pathogenic organisms. It can destroy bacteria, parasites, yeast, fungus, Lyme (both active and cystic forms) and all the co-infections. The Rife is based on the phenomenon that every organism has its own unique vibrational frequency. When an organism encounters its own vibrational frequency from an outside source it will explode resulting in death. It is similar to the opera singer that can break the wine glass when the frequency of her voice reaches the same frequency as the glass. A typical treatment with Rife first involves scanning with an F-scan machine to determine the exact frequencies of the organisms. Those specific frequencies are then entered into the Rife machine to be treated. Since the treatment is so targeted to kill only the desired organisms, the frequencies will just pass through the rest of body without harming anything else. Rife can reach cyst colonies that have traveled deep with in the body where antibiotics or herbal remedies could not access. Rife is usually used in addition to herbal remedies and/or antibiotics to finish off the organisms that were able to survive and hide from previous treatments. By adding Rife Frequency therapy into a treatment plan the recovery time can significantly be reduced over just using antibiotics and/or herbal remedies.Most every patient that has chronic Lyme has a high chance of cyst colony formation in various areas of the body. These patients would benefit greatly from destroying the colonies with Rife.

If left untreated the cysts will lay dormant until the immune system is compromised or weak, so they can become active again. The key to any successful treatment is to change and rotate various modalities to avoid mutations and resistance to any one treatment.Lyme spirochetes are very good at adapting to their environment to maintain survival. Due to this adaptability any one treatment alone is just not strong enough to kill off Lyme completely. It is like trying to put out a forest fire with a cup of water: it just isn’t enough. Lyme needs to have everything thrown at it, including the kitchen sink! No matter what course of treatment is chosen a patient should be constantly monitored by a physician to check the effectiveness of treatment and to check toxicity and detoxification capabilities of the body. The key is to check the functioning of organ systems such as the adrenals and the thyroid, due to the extra stress that is placed on these systems during the treatment process.

Guilford Holistic Health Practitioners

5 Durham Rd Bld 2, Suite B-6
Guilford, CT 06437

(203) 453-1906

Send any questions, or topic suggestions for future issues to: drsedita@gmail.com


Rosner, Bryan. When Antibiotics Fail…Lyme Disease and Rife Machines.2004.