Use of Reiki to release the energy of trauma and abuse
Well, you see that I have taken you down the rabbit hole to Reiki. What, you might ask, is the relationship between Reiki and the trauma of an abusive relationship.
If you could actually "see" the negative energy that comes at you when someone is yelling at you, demeaning you or verbally attacking you, you would be shocked. Red and black angry energy is flung at you and over time, it penetrates into your own field of energy like arrows. If you remain in that relationship, the arrows penetrate into your heart or any part of your body that is being demeaned or humiliated.
If you try to fight back, you may get an even harsher attack, the equivalent of an energy bomb. Over time, if you haven't protected yourself, you turn the color that your attacker or abuser has projected onto you. You internalize it and paint yourself with the same color that your abuser has forced on you. You believe that you are that ugly, dumb, lazy, or incompetent, and the energy of his or her projections remain in and around you, unless identified and removed.
Both physical and emotional abuse create energetic disturbances in your field. Here are some tactics that abusers use and how your field of energy may be affected:
Undermining: your energy may be literally ripped away, leaving you weak in the knees, less able to support yourself, the a rip tide that sweeps the sands of the shore with it.
Back stabbing: Betrayal when unexpected can literally feel like a knife in your back, behind the heart. Often a knob of muscle spasms there in response to the attack, causing pain which can be sharp and enduring.
Over-powering: Like a tsunami, the abuser overwhelms with a wave of energy that overtakes and washes over the victim, leaving him or her crushed and devastated.
Insinuation: Sneaky and indirect, the foundation is chipped away by negative implications.
Triangulation: The abuser may bring in a third party/ies to reinforce the dark negative perceptions onto the victim. One more way to undermine and imply how bad the person is: painting with a dark paintbrush, darkening the color palate of the victim.
Grandstanding: A power tactic meant to intimidate through loudness, control through bombast. The field of energy in the abuser is expanded and flung at the victim, leaving stains and barbs.
Minimizing: It is as though the abuser has an eraser on this one. He/she denies the significance of the victims feelings, leaving the victim feeling powerless and misunderstood. If not protected against, the field gets smaller and more shrunken, as the abuser's energy enlarges, like a blast of hot air.
Gas lighting: This is a trick! Through manipulation the abuser tries to convince the victim that a falsity is the truth. If allowed, it is like a dark cloth is put over the head of the victim to prevent sight. Confusion reigns then, since they are in the dark.
Lies: This is a direct manipulation of reality to the end of giving the abuser control, hiding from the sight of the victim. Energetically, this scrambles the energy in the head: confusion reigns.
Cheating: Even if there is not a direct knowledge of cheating, the energy is withdrawn from the victim and redirected elsewhere. On some level, there is an awareness in the victim of what is going on, generating a range of emotions. Emotions are an energy in and around the brain and body. A storm of confusing and contradictory energies swirl like a dark storm.
Pulling the rug out from under: Similar to undermining, the energy here is diminished at the base, leaving the victim ungrounded, a pushover, easy to trip and fall.
Projecting blame: So here, the abuser takes his or her own behavior, thoughts or feelings and flings it onto the victim. If not protected, it sticks like glue or gummy spaghetti. The victim may know it isn't right, but it doesn't matter. Over time, he or she may even claim it is their own.
Bulldozing: The massive amount of energy forcefully projected onto the victim can leave the victim "floored." It may feel like they "Don't know what hit them."
Claiming victimization while victimizing: Energetically this draws energy from the real victim and the abuser sucks it up. Everything is designed to enhance the power/energy of the abuser and weaken and draw from the victim. There is a reversal going on here that is like a twisting action, leaving the victim in knots.
Enslaving: This may literally feel like the victim is being choked, with an energetic rope around the neck. Nothing is ever good enough, and the demands may escalate. A heavy burden is placed on their shoulders, so there may be a feeling of being heavy, weighed down.
Shaming: A wave of heavy, dark energy is flung over the back and head of the victim. The head is lowered in shame, the heart heavy, and the self attack is very painful.
Channelling healing Reiki energy can remove the energy of abuse, feelings of shame, helplessness, blockage. By clearing, cleansing and balancing the energy field, the person previously called victim, becomes survivor, then one who thrives - having found their own true self again. Empowerment and freedom is the result.